“Chevron... with Techron!” What the fuck is Techron? The price at the pump: 5.99, 6.99, 7.49... Do I hear eight? Across the bay in Marin Gas costs 20 cents less. At the end of history It’s cheaper to be rich. Down at Chevron’s Refinery Gate, USW Locals on strike Wave flags and banners. “Chevron... Morons!” Honk of horns. Marketing is propaganda is war.
About the Author Refael Paul Arenson’s writing has found a home at North American Review, The Rattling Wall and other venues, and has been picked up online in Utne Reader and Art Daily. His nonfiction piece “Splendor” was picked as first runner-up for the 2017 Rafael Torch Memorial Prize. He's an MFA graduate from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Arenson lived in Rome for 15 years, translates from French and Italian, and is currently based in Northern California.