There are fantasies that knock against the hollow depravity of your mind. Let my body be well oiled and primed. Let me spread my legs and arch my back so you might look right through me. I become your body of water. You dive into me for the night. I know how curious you are for me. The thoughts that have made me like succulent fruit— Your teeth pull and discard my clothes like rinds. How far you’ve traveled from home to devour the honey beneath my tongue. Does it satisfy you? Was I a trip worth taking? Drive yourself behind winding roads and through the wilderness you think makes me. You are a man that imagines me untamed. The place you run free in. I am a tree you wish to climb. Cut me down. Make me thin like paper. I’ve seen you look my way. You were molded to take. You believe I am yours for the taking. You stand like a man who wishes to make a ladder of my spine. Reach up and grab me. Your hands are uncontrolled and justified. They rush forward, pummeling through. You expand yourself onto me. Twist my legs, hold my head beneath your hand, press your lazy weight into me and bite. It’s a taste of the wild fruit you feel was meant for your lips. Squeeze me. Let the juices run down your mouth. Remind me what my body was made for.
About the Author Madeline McConico holds a BA in English from Iowa State University. She has worked as the co-editor on ISU's literary magazine. Madeline completed her MFA at Columbia College Chicago while working as part-time instructor in the English and Creative Writing Department. Her work has appeared in Allium- A Journal of Poetry & Prose, Opal Literacy, and POTLUCK. Her poetry is forthcoming in MASKS Literary Magazine.